Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Recap on our time in Scotland and The Next Adventure

Dear Family and Friends!

The View from our Back Porch!

Hello, how are you? We again hope this letter finds you are doing well, and that you are still surrounded by loving family, supportive friends and delicious food! We are writing you now having got back from Scotland after a year of serving as Charity workers within Abernethy Adventure Centre: Ardeonaig. In short, the last year of our lives was been such a wonderful adventure! We worked, traveled, canoed, flew, climbed, and loved on the people at our centre and beyond.
Matthew and Robert Burns
At the "Birks of Aberfeldy"
In our previous letter to you, we described what a typical day-to-day would look like for us and while some of it was correct, it was also so much more!                           Matthew was a vital part of our kitchen and house team, but he also spent a decent amount of time on the maintenance crew and during the last half of our year, as a part-time outdoor instructor. Professionally, Matthew led our centre’s visitors through such activities as Archery, Gorge-walking, hlll-walking and group challenges. While helping in other departments, Matthew was admired for his work-ethic and attention to detail (whenever something needed deep cleaning, everyone was begging for Matthew to be on their team!).                                                                                                                 
Cynthia quickly was able to jump in and support the house and kitchen
Cynthia Cooking in our Kitchen
team with her team management and organizational skills. Professionally, she was able to bring her years of experience in cooking to a commercial kitchen and really support the team by leading breakfast shifts and even stepping in to cook meals for 60+ people when others were sick. Cynthia was also able to use her skills in spiritual development to help some of the younger members of staff to figure out the next step in their lives and how God has specially equipped them for service in His Kingdom.

Harry Potter Birthday Party
When not working, we loved to get to know people and love of them as God does. For Matthew, this looked like telling ridiculously punny jokes, giving art lessons, and participating in outdoor activities. For Cynthia, this involved cooking their favorite sweet, writing them a card, or throwing ridiculously themed birthday parties (Lord of the Rings, Sherlock Holmes, James Bond, and Harry Potter to name a few). As a unit, we frequently had people up for a meal at our home to get away from the centre; our favorites were 3 garlic pasta and fajitas with homemade pico de gallo. We also were involved in our small local church serving in whatever capacity was needed.  After leaving Scotland, we even got the chance to travel Europe for a month and we were able to share those same skills across the countries of France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany.   

Our Scottish Parents;
Brian and Isabel
When we left for Scotland, we knew that going over there was going to be wonderfully difficult. While overseas, we experienced moments of pure joy but we also mourned when tragedy struck home and we were on another continent, BUT GOD WAS/IS FAITHFUL. Through it all, we were constantly blessed by how God loved us and used us to love on others. We were surrounded by people who loved us, blessed financially by nearly complete strangers and we got to travel and see so much more of God’s beautiful creation.
Florence, Italy
What’s next you might ask? Starting this fall, Matthew is taking classes at Great Basin College in Elko, Nevada to get his Post-Baccalaureate Elementary Teaching Credential, and he will be substitute teaching on the side. Come this January, we will be moving up to Elko, and Cynthia will be finding a job and searching for opportunities in her field to show God’s love.

 So again, we say THANK YOU. Thank you for your Support and Friendship. Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts, And thank you for being there.  As we embark on our next adventure, we will try to keep you updated on what is going on in our lives.

                                            We will leave you for now with a Scottish Blessing:

May your purse always hold a coin or two.

May the sun always shine upon your window pane.

May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.

May the hand of a friend always be near to you and

May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you

May there always be work for your hands to do.

Till the Next Adventure....

Love, Matthew and Cynthia Shedd

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