Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Our Digital Support Letter

Dear Family and Friends,

Hello, how are you? We hope you are doing well, and that you are surrounded by loving family, supportive friends and delicious food! We are writing to inform you of an amazing opportunity that we have been provided with to live overseas for a year in Scotland. That is right, Scotland, as in the country. We have been offered 2 positions as Charity workers within Abernethy Adventure Centre: Ardeonaig. Matthew as an Outdoor Instructor, and Cynthia as a member of the Kitchen and Hospitality Team.

For a wee bit more information on how amazing this opportunity is, we would like to take you on a bit of a journey. Right after we were married in 2011, Matthew became unemployed. It was a very rough few months and we applied for lots of jobs, and it was then that we were introduced to Abernethy Adventure centres. We fell in love with their commitment to providing people with the gift of time away from this crazy world in the Christ-Centered Outdoor environment. We applied to join the team but were initially denied. So 2 years later, we applied again on a whim, and within 2 months we were offered the jobs! How Great is our God!                                                                                                                                                                

 In regards to our actual day-to-day activities over there, here is a synopsis. Matthew will be using his B.A. in Outdoor Education and his years of personal experience in the field to instruct such activities as: climbing, challenge courses, gorge adventures, mountain biking, orienteering, etc. in all age groups. Cynthia will be supporting the day-to-day upkeep of the facilities and preparing meals. She plans to also get involved with the spiritual development team and use her B.A. in Pastoral studies to support her fellow teammates grow closer to God. Additionally, as part of our commitment, we are called to participate in the local church and are eager to help them grow and develop towards a fuller relationship with the Lord.

We are set to arrive in Scotland August 18th, 2014 and there is still so much to do! But it all starts with letting you know about this dream. We appreciate any and all support as we prepare to leave, and while in country. We would be so encouraged to know that people are praying for us and encouraging us on this year long adventure. We have created a blog in which you can choose to follow along with our journey. 

The Website is http://sheddsgotoscotland.blogspot.com/. We would love to hear from you all and stay connected!                                            

Of course, one of the more tangible ways you can support this dream is by participating in our Fundraisers and/or donating directly. Our Goal is to raise $5000 which would cover plane tickets there ($3000 approximately one way), unforeseen expenses in county($500), and have a savings for our plane tickets back ($1500). We believe between our savings and some support that has already poured in, we have $1000 already. We also have multiple fundraises planned for these next few months and we are believing that those fundraisers will raise approximately another $1000. That means we need your help to raise $3000. The task can seem daunting, but if only 120 people gave $25 dollars we would make our goal. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is appreciated.  (See below for ways to donate Financially)

So we ask you to consider joining with us as we embark on the journey of a lifetime. We believe deeply that God is asking us to cross "the great pond" in order that we may learn even more about how great His creation is.  While in Scotland, we will be given the opportunity to partner with God in a location out of our comfort zone, and join with His grand plan of redemption. We will be able to use our degrees to impact and support people in the special way that we have been called and trained.                                                                                           

Thank you for your impact in our lives. We wouldn't be asking you to partner with us, if we did not believe that you, through our lives, have helped get us to this point. You have been our support and mean more than we could ever say.                                                                                                                                                                       
Many Thanks,
Cynthia and Matthew Shedd

Please mail this portion to our “state-side” physical address from July 2014-September 2015):
Matthew and Cynthia Shedd      
1427 Mary Jo Drive                           
Gardnerville, Nevada 89460
As Matthew & Cynthia Shedd go to Scotland, I will partner with them by:
[  ] Joining them in prayer.
[  ] Making a one-time donation to help them meet their goal: Please Enclose Cash, Check, or deposit into a bank account especially created for this purpose at:   Bank of America. (contact us for the details.)
 [  ] Committing to supporting them on a monthly basis for a year. ________/month
[  ] Contacting them with opportunities for work to help them raise more support. Examples include: Baby Sitting, Yard work, Doing your dishes, cleaning your house, etc.   (Cynthia’s Number 530-262-8923)
Your Name(s): ______________________ Email address________________________________ 
Phone Number(s): _______________________________

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